The children in Reception have created their own Bonfire Night poems in Forest School today to go with their beautiful firework printing that they have done this week.

Poem 1:

A Bonfire Night Poem

We remember the 5th November,

The smell of the bonfire, fireworks, roasting chestnuts, smoke, marshmallows, sausages, jacket potato and ginger parkin.

The taste of the marshmallows is sweet, smokey, hot and spicy chilli, hot potatoes, sausage.

The sound of the fireworks: pop, bang, crackle, boom, fizz, whizz, whoooosh, loud.

The sight of the trees, fireworks, red, green, yellow, blue, white, glittery, sparkly.


Poem 2:

A Bonfire Night Poem

We remember the 5th November,

The smell of the fire: marshmallows, hot potatoes, sizzling sausages, bonfire smoke, hot chocolate.

The taste of the: hot chestnuts, hot dogs with tomato sauce, toffee apples sweet, bonfire toffee, marshmallows toasted on the open fire.

The sound of the fireworks: cracks, bang, pop, boom, fizzle, crackle, whooosh, wee.

The sight of the fireworks: flowers, sparks, rainbow colours, pink, green, blue, red, orange, indio, violet.