“A friendly, creative environment for learning together”
PFA (Parent Fundraising Association)
You can contact the PFA on:
Email: stanningtoninfantspfa@gmail.com
Facebook: stannington infant school pfa
The PFA is a small group of parents and staff at our school who get together and arrange social events to raise funds for our school. Anyone is welcome who has an interest in the school.
But why bother raising money anyway? You would be surprised at the many things the school budget does not stretch to!
The PFA have helped to improve the environment of the school in many ways, they have helped to pay for the lovely climbing equipment your children use for P.E. The beautiful garden that they play in nearly every day has been just about fully funded by parental support of PFA events. Every year the PFA provides money to buy classroom Christmas presents. They have donated money to help provide the Foundation Stage play area at the front of the school. They have bought reading books… the list is endless!!
So how has the PFA raised all this money for these things (and it has been a lot!)? Well its activities have been many and varied over the years but all rely on parents and families coming along and having fun. There have been many Christmas Fayres, Easter bunny hunts, treasure hunts, family picnics, toy sales, Stannington Carnivals, they have held raffles, tombolas, activity days, bingo, childrens discos, film nights and more.
Please continue to support the school via the PFA events – they take a great deal of organising and we thank all the parents/grandparents/friends involved.
New members to the PFA are always welcome. The help and organisation of events would not be possible without the support of the PFA members. Please see an existing PFA member, the Headteacher or just come along to one of the meetings to see how you can help our school.