“A friendly, creative environment for learning together”
School Council
School Council gives our children a voice in the development of Stannington Infant School and the local community. Children are elected annually and the council has two representatives from each Y1 and Y2 class. School Council meetings are held regularly, usually twice each half term with Mrs Everitt.
We believe that the School Council encourages children to understand and value the ideals of democracy and citizenship. Each year our council makes links with other local schools, which can include joint projects, visiting each school and sharing the best ideas. We enjoy working together on group projects each year.
Here are our School Council representatives:
Year 1 Class 3
Daisy – ‘I like to help people.’
Lua – ‘I want to do a job in school.’
Year 1 Class 4
Ellie – ‘I want to make the school yard better.’
Jack – ‘I like to help make decisions.’
Year 2 Class 5
Emily – ‘ I like to make things better.’
Rayan – ‘I enjoy making decisions.’
Year 2 Class 6
Oscar – ‘ I like organising fund raisers.’
Eloise – ‘I like doing different jobs in school.’
Choosing our School Christmas Tree
Two members of our School Council went to The Sheffield Christmas Tree Company at Bradfield to choose a Christmas tree for the school hall. Even though it was raining heavily, and we all got very wet indeed, we had a great time. Our tree came from Field 4, look...
Children in Need bun sale
School Council have had a busy few weeks preparing for our Children in Need fund raiser. They met with Mrs Everitt to discuss preperations for the bun sale and made posters to advertise the event around school. We are so grateful to all the families who donated yummy...
Class council discussions
We ask classes to discuss aspects of school life and share their ideas in a class council session. The School Council representatives then share their classes ideas. Here is what Class 3 said this week We have just had a 200-words story competition. Should we have...