“A friendly, creative environment for learning together”
We love Maths at SIS! We foster a positive attitude to maths for all children enabling them to approach mathematical activities with confidence, understanding and pleasure.
We aim to teach our children fundamental skills that they can transfer between different areas of their learning and also use in everyday life.
We teach Maths, through a mastery approach that allows the children to apply taught skills to a range of reasoning problems and contexts. Learning is varied to alow the children to experience the same concept in different representations and using different approaches. Through this holistic approach it means our children have a deep understanding of maths.
Teaching and learning draws upon a variety of resources and equipment with a key thread focused around the White Rose Scheme. Leaning is arranged over the school year to meet the needs of pupils, giving opportunities for new learning, consolidation of skills and allowing for spaced practice.
Children develop mathematical skills through the use a C-P-A approach (Concrete- Pictoral- Abstract). Children may move forwards and backwards through this sequence in order to fully embed a skill.
Concrete: Children are introduced to new learning through concrete apparatus such as practically using cubes, counters and bead strings.
Pictorial: They then move onto using pictorial models and images such as hundred squares and drawing number lines.
Abstract: Once children are more secure in their understanding of a concept they will begin to use more formal methods of recording or calculating such as writing number sentences.
We encourage our parents to be very much involved in maths with their children. Maths is something that can be learnt in everyday situations. Take a look at the calculation policy to see the steps our children take when learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide.

Curriculum Downloads
FS Planner
Maths Long Term Planner 2024-2025
Year 1 Planner
Year 1 Maths Long Term Plan 2024-25
Year 2 Planner
Year 2 Maths Long Term Plan 2024-25