“A friendly, creative environment for learning together”

Extra Curricular

French Club

Le Club Francais offer a French Club on Monday and Tuesday lunchtimes (12 -12.30) for Year 2 and Year 1 children respectively.  The emphasis is on fun learning with plenty of songs and games to stimulate the children’s interest at a particularly receptive stage of their development.
If you would like to book a place please complete the forms sent home at the beginning of term or speak to the school office.  Each session costs £4.50 payable half-termly in advance.  There are usually 6 sessions per half-term.

Link to Le Club Francais

Singing Club

Our Singing Club is made up of children from Y1 and Y2 and is led by Mrs Grayson. Singing Club meets every Tuesday lunchtime and enthusiastically learn a range of songs.

Singing Club perform to the other children in school and to parents and visitors, for example to the local community at Christmas time. Annually they perform as part of Young Voices at Sheffield Motorpoint Arena.


A lot of children at Stannington Infant School participate in weekly piano lessons with Pav.

If anyone would like to consider learning the piano at Stannington Infant School then please enquire at the school reception where staff will be happy to pass the details on


Sports Clubs

We have a wide range of sports clubs available to the children throughout the year. Please see letters sent via Parentmail.
Children can also particpate in interschool events and competitions as part of our LINKS School Sports Partnership.



Your son/daughter is given the opportunity to learn basic gymnastics skills and work through the British Gymnastics Awards Scheme with Kristie Kotylo, a level 4 qualified Artistic Gymnastics coach. Sessions for  Y1 & Y2 children will be held on Tuesday after school. Sessions for  Children will need a PE kit or leotard and bare feet.

Sixteen places are available so there may be a waiting list. Each session costs £4.00 to be paid half termly. Payment can be made by cash, cheque (payable to Sheffield Gymastics School) to be sent in a named envelope or preferably via internet banking.

Contact Mrs Kristie Kotylo at sheffgym@hotmail.co.uk or on 07795 101343 for further information.

Art Club and Art Award

Each week at Stannington we hold an art club for a small number of Year 2 children who have shown they are ‘gifted’ in Art and have a passion for all things creative.

Mrs Turner runs the club (she is VERY passionate about art!), which usually lasts an hour. The club has covered many themes and artists over the past few years, from Pete McKee and Andy Warhol to Aboriginal Art. Some of the children’s completed work can be seen on display in and around school.

The children commit to taking part for a minimum of 20 weeks as this will lead to them gaining the Discover Arts Award from the Arts Council England. Amazing! Have a look at the following link to find out more about the award.


Extra Curricular News

Art Club 2024

Art Club 2024

Art Club have produced this art work for our dining room. I am sure you will agree they have done an amazing job. Thank you to Mrs Turner for working with the children. We shared the work with the whole school and it is now off to be made into a permanent piece for...

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