“A friendly, creative environment for learning together”
Payment to School
In an attempt to remove all cash and cheques from school we are asking all parents to only use our e-payment method. This can be done online using a very secure website called Parentmail.
Parentmail is a secure online account. If you have an Android or Apple smartphone, we would highly recommend you download the free ParentMail PMX App so that you can make easy, online payments on the go. To do this, simply search for “ParentMail PMX” in your App store.
Those parents wishing to pay cash can do so at the school office.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you need assistance. Your support in using Parentmail will help the school enormously.
School milk is ordered termly in advance (Autumn, Spring and Summer). For example, a letter will be sent out in the Summer term informing you of the cost of milk for the Autumn term and payment made using Parentmail.
School Trips
Payment for school trips is also made via Parentmail and letters for the trips will include details of how to pay. This can be done online using Parentmail. On occasion we may ask for cash payment when the trip is a small amount of bus fare only.
Uniform with the school logo can be ordered online from School Trends or Branded Uniform
Both suppliers offer free delivery to school or there is a charge of £3.99/£4.99 for home delivery.
Please note that children can wear branded or non branded uniform
Thank you.