Our final Forest School session – and sadly due to the weather we did not make it to the farm! So it was back into the garden again, but how lucky we are to have this!

To start with we sat on the decking and had another story illustrated by Gwen Millward. Then it was time to see what our learning for the day would be….

We swapped groups round this week and those who did not look at plant lifecycles with Mrs Platts last week worked with her, and the rest learnt about animal food chains with Mrs Barker. Mrs Grayson took some of us to look at bees again – we even got to do some more dissecting! Mrs Simpson helped the children who had not made herby flatbreads last week to make sweet ones this week! Yum!

In the afternoon we used weaving frames to create some natural patterns with Mrs Platts. Some of us worked with Barry to do some planting in the school flower planters. We also created some more sculptures based on the work of Barbara Hepworth and finished our Forest School chant. To end the day we sat and sang our song ‘Out in the Garden’ and ate our sweet flatbreads with a choice of jam or honey – yummy!

Have a look at the photos from our wonderful final Forest School day!