In Foundation Stage you will have remote learning on Google Classroom from today for you to access. In Key Stage One work will be emailed this morning for this week and then as of Monday remote learning will be uploaded to Google classroom daily.

It may be that we have to send you a new login for google classroom as we are merging classes into year groups to assist teachers in uploading daily work whilst also teaching children in school. If this is the case we will email details to you.

The remote learning will be the same as the learning taking place in school and needs completing each day as lessons are sequential and progressive. Teachers will give feedback on the remote learning via Google Classroom and for FS  on Tapestry. Remote learning will have links to recorded lessons in English, Maths and Phonics as well as some other subjects through platforms such as Oak Academy, White rose Maths and Read Write Inc phonics. We are following DfE guidelines and ensuring there is approximately 2 ½ hours learning each day.

Weekly home learning will continue to be on Google classroom (spellings and maths facts for KS1, learning linked to class learning for FS)

Please also refer to the attached remote learning guide with links to online websites that may be useful. Please also refer to the school website, under the ‘parents’ then ‘home learning’ tab which has a range of resources. Also look at the curriculum pages for power points on how to teach spelling and handwriting and to see our calculation policy.

From Monday there will be a daily Google meet of 10 minutes in duration to say hello and outline the learning for that day, we hope this helps to establish a routine for learning at home. We expect every child to attend every Google meeting unless they are unwell. If you have any technical problems please let us know and we will try to help.

Year 2 Google meet will be at 9.00am

Year 1 Google meet will be at 9.15am

FS Google meet will be at 9.30am

Stannington Infant School