Spring 2018


We have focused our writing on the Funny Bones story. We loved retelling the story to each other; In a dark, dark house, there was a dark, dark cellar. We described the characters and discussed their behaviour.

We explored alternative words for walking and frighten. We used ‘verb arrows’ to show which verbs were more powerful.Using a range of verbs made our stories more interesting and exciting!

We had fun re-telling our stories in our class assembly.


We are getting really good at counting in 2s and 5s, forwards and backwards. We can now recognise odd and even numbers and know how to double and halve numbers. We have been learning our number bonds to 10 and using numicon to help us.

We have used base 10 resources to help us make 2 digit numbers.

Do you know which number has 6 tens and 2 ones?

We have been learning to solve one step problems that involve addition and subtraction, and missing number problems like 7 = ? – 3.

Knowledge & Understanding of the world

We found out about the history of Sheffield and learnt about what life was like in the past. We learnt how important steel was to Sheffield industry during our visit to Kelham Island. We made a time line to show how the uniform of a steel worker has changed over time. Did you know children as young as 10 years old worked at Kelham Island!

In D.T we designed and made felt hand puppets. We used African animals to inspire our designs. We practised our sewing techniques and did a careful running stitch.

Forest School/Science

Forest School gave us a great opportunity to investigate and explore the four seasons, particularly Winter & Spring. We found out how different types of weather can be measured. We made a class weather station to observe, measure and record the weather. We observed the changes across the seasons by exploring the signs of winter through nature and wildlife. We also saw early signs of Spring when we found Daffodils growing in our school garden!

Creative Learning

We know the primary colours and have mixed them to make tints and tones. We looked at the work of Monet and painted a picture in a similar style using a finger dabbing technique.

In Forest School art we made many observational drawings, thinking carefully about line and shape. We focussed on Andy Goldsworthy’s work to inspire our sculptures with natural materials.