What do you know about Flat Stanley? What would you do if you were flat? Would you like to be a kite or a rug or a surfboard? We have loved learning all about him, looking at character descriptions and writing our own version of the story, including lots of interesting word choices, expanded noun phrases and speech. Come into our classrooms and read about Flat Hattie, Flat Reuben, Flat Tassy…the list goes on!

In Shared Reading we are currently reading the book ‘Fog Hounds’. Ask us to tell you what we know so far about the characters Tad, Ermina and Doubleman and to share our predictions for the ending!


This term we have focussed on multiplication and division. We have enjoyed learning the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and loved practising them using Times Tables Rock Stars on the iPads. We know that multiplication can be done in any order and that division cannot. We have used lots of strategies to help us solve number and word problems including arrays, repeated addition and practically with cubes and different objects. Ask us to explain the difference between sharing and grouping!

We all wore numbers on Number Day and loved carrying out the Mental and Oral challenges that Miss Howell set for us each day. We sang ’10 Little Men in a Flying Saucer’ in the Number Day assembly and many of us did the number trail around school. 


If we were sent into space, what would we need to survive? Do we all grow at the same rate? If we have the biggest feet are we also the tallest in the class? Which animal baby belongs to which animal? Are they a bird? A reptile? An amphibian? How do they change?  These are just some of the questions we have been and still are trying to answer in our science sessions. We carried out an investigation and found out that we all grow at different rates – look at the science display in 2HR to see how we did this. We can match animal babies to their adult and also know that a frog is an amphibian but a tadpole is not!

In RE we have been thinking about symbols – both what they represent for all of us in our everyday lives and how they are particularly important in a religious context for both Christians and Muslims.


Linked to our Flat Stanley learning in Literacy, we worked in groups to ‘freeze frame’ parts of the story, photograph it on the iPad and add our own speech bubbles. We loved working collaboratively to do this and took some great photos!

Lots of us took part in Young Voices at the Arena. It was an amazing experience and we loved singing all the songs that Mrs Grayson and Mrs Turner had taught us in singing club.

In music 2HR’s learning has been focussed on one song, ‘’I wanna play in a band’’, which is a rock song for children. They have looked at different rock songs and composed their own short piece of music using glockenspiel based on the initial song. 2DF have continued learning to play the recorder and held a wonderful assembly to show their parents what they had learnt. It will soon be 2HR’s turn……


As part of our Online Safety week we learned how to be a good friend online by asking our friends if it is Ok to share photos before posting them online. DigiDuck had this decision to make and we helped him to make the right one. We designed posters to help other children or adults with this decision.

Our Stannington Stay Safe group learned all about the Digital 5 a day and taught the rest of school about this. If you don’t know what a digital 5 a day is come and ask us.

In PSHE we have been setting ourselves challenges and thinking about the steps we need to take in order to achieve them. How would you learn to play a new board game or teach your younger sibling to read a book. Can you tie your shoe laces – what do you need to do first?


Many children took part in Young Voices at The Arena.

Mr Payne came in and read poetry to us. We love listening to Mr Payne’s poetry.

Later this term we will be visiting the Mosque and other local places of worship.

We will be learning all about hedgehogs when we are visited by a Hedgehog expert.

Mr Stafford will be coming into school to teach us about germs and how to stay clear of them!