Last week the Year 2 children visited the Botanical Gardens as part of the Stunning Start to their learning about Rainforests.

We were very excited to catch the number 81 bus into the city, even if the first one didn’t arrive for Class 6! Once we arrived we looked at the different types of plants and flowers we could see in the gardens. We spent time drawing the plants we could see.

Then we went into the greenhouse and looked at plants that grew in more tropical climates. We talked about the reasons why these plants and trees don’t usually grow in Sheffield. We looked carefully at the plants and tress and used our observational skills to create detailed drawings. It was fascinating to see so many different types of plants – we really liked the cactus area. One plant had flowers that looked like bird’s heads.

Class 5 stayed and had their lunch in the gardens. Class 6 had a picnic in the school hall as the grass was very wet that day.

We had a great day out and hoped you enjoyed hearing all about it.