Local walk for FS

Local walk for FS

We had a fantastic morning walking through Stannington village today. We were looking for human features and the children were amazing at spotting all the things that humans had created in the village. We talked about the jobs that people do in our community. We...
Animal Workshop

Animal Workshop

 Wednesday was a very exciting day for FS! We had a visit from Leanne, who told us all about her animals. We were able to use our senses to find out all about the different animals. The snake was cold and felt smooth. We learned that the gecko that visited used...
FS make a wonderful start!

FS make a wonderful start!

The children in FS have made the most fantastic start! We have really enjoyed getting to know each other, finding out about our classroom and learning all about the routines at school. All the staff are very proud of the fabulous start made by our new FS classes. Well...
FS visit to Cannon Hall Farm

FS visit to Cannon Hall Farm

We had a sensational start to our learning about animals on Tuesday 18th April with a visit to Cannon Hall Farm.  The children started their day visiting the farm animals and their young.  The children saw horses, foals, pigs, piglets, Highland cattle, alpacas, lamas...